AT the recent parish council meeting the preparations for the local elections on May 1 were discussed. Election papers were distributed and the first meeting of the new council will be held on May 5. There is a vacancy on council and it is hoped that further candidates will come forward. Applications to be a poll clerk should be made to the parish clerk.

The council unanimously decided to respond to the district council stating that it is in favour of a referendum to test the electorate's opinion on having an elected Regional Assembly.

The up to date accounts and budget for the next year were tabled. With the precept set at £2,500 for the village the budget showed a marginal negative cash flow.

The Fenhill Close bus shelter has now got its seat and the barrier has been repaired. Negotiations are ongoing about the provision of lighting in the upper bus shelter.

It is now expected that the speed signs for the village will be erected this coming week and the interactive sign by the end of the month.