St Richard's Hospice: Bredon now has formed its own local group to raise the profile of St Richard's Hospice in Worcester. They hope to raise some money along the way.

The hospice is now in its 18th year and it looks after 1,000 patients and their families in their homes each year. Plans are well advanced to build a new state of the art hospice near County Hall, to replace the existing facilities at Rose Hill. The new unit will include 15 patient beds, the day hospice, the home care team, an education centre and all the administration facilities.

There are two dates for the diary in relation to this. On Saturday, May 17, there will be the 19th annual walk for health and charity on the Malvern Hills. There is a choice of walking two, five or eleven miles. Refreshments will be provided by the Malvern Sea Cadets and the St John Ambulance will be in attendance. Registration and sponsorship forms and further information can be obtained by phoning 01905 763963.

In Bredon, on Saturday, June 14, the new Bredon support group will be holding a midsummer drinks evening at Bredon Manor. It is hoped that as many people as possible will support this, and also find out more about the valuable work being achieved by St Richard's Hospice. For information phone 01684 772311 or 773549.

MUNCHES AND BUNCHES: Bredon WI invites members and non-members to an evening of cooking and flowers on Tuesday, March 18, at 7.30pm. Non-members are asked to pay £1 to cover entrance and light refreshment.

SCF: Please remember the coffee morning to be held at Bredon Dene on Thursday, March 20, at 10am. For information phone 01684 772477.

POPPY APPEAL: If you have started to spring clean, then please hang on to any good quality jumble for the poppy appeal jumble sale which will be held on Saturday, April 19, at 2pm. More information by phoning 01684 772331.