BURMA STAR ASSOCIATION: The Evesham branch is holding its AGM next Wednesday at its headquarters, The Bengeworth Sports and Social Club, Coronation Street. All Burma war veterans are invited to attend. Refreshments after the meeting.

ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION: The Evesham branch is holding its AGM on Monday, March 17, 7pm, for 7.30pm, at their headquarters, The Evesham Working Mens Club on Merstow Green. All ex-RAF personnel are cordially invited to attend. Light refreshments after the meeting.

ART SOCIETY: The society started 2003 with Roger Jones in January when he showed some interesting slides and spoke of his work with wildlife TV programmes. He followed this by showing his oil painting techniques and produced the basic layout of a landscape, which he donated to be completed by a club member. This was included as a raffle prize at the AGM and social evening in February.

At this, the chairman and committee members who were prepared to continue in office were re-elected and two new committee members were elected. Finances remain stable and everyone seemed happy. The social evening followed with food and drink, raffle, bring and buy art table and fun painting competition. Altogether a promising start to another year.

The meeting on Wednesday is a practical evening where there will a model for the portrait painter, plus still life and flowers.

Evesham Art Society meets at the Friends Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham at 7.15pm for 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month except December. Non-members welcomed - entrance £2 to include coffee and biscuits.