GARDENING CLUB: The Vale of Evesham Horticultural Society Gardening Quiz Trophy was won by the club's team at the inter-club quiz held at Willersey Village Hall. The team consisting of Jane Gilks, Hugh Blunstone and the chairman Colin Hill won a close run contest competing against five other teams. Running alongside the quiz was a questionnaire where the team members had to name as many plants as possible with animal or insect names in the title. Spurred on by team member Jane Gilks, Wickhamford managed to come up with the most plants in this category which helped win the contest for them.

At the February meeting members themselves were put to the test with a gardening quiz, a cryptic quiz and a small identity quiz. The overall winner was Jane Gilks, Carol Barnes coming second and third Betty Mumford. The monthly competition Three Spring Blooms was won by Derrick Cook, with Tony Smith second and June Cowan third.

On Wednesday, club member Hugh Blunstone, an enthusiast on hellebores, will be opening his garden to the public from 10am until lunchtime, with refreshments provided in aid of charity. Hugh lives at 34 Willersey Road, Badsey.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26, and will be the annual spring show. For further information contact Colin Hill on 01386 853412.