BULB SHOW: Welcoming the many visitors who had braved a wet and windy afternoon to attend the Inkberrow and District Horticultural Society's Spring Show, which was held at the village hall on March 8, chairman Tom Hodgkinson also thanked all those who had worked so hard to make the show a success.

He remarked that this winter had been very different from those we had come to expect with their mild temperatures and lack of frost. Indeed he had been taken by surprise when out in his garden earlier in the week at how little was in bloom. However, members had produced a splendid show and the exhibits did them credit - not only the outdoor blooms for those indoors as well which require such careful nurturing to bring them to flower at just the right time for the show.

The judge, Mr Jack Spragg of Evesham, was delighted with the high quality of the exhibits and congratulated the society on still running such a show when many similar ones were being forced to close through lack of support.

The chairman ended by thanking and congratulating everyone.

Members organised the raffle, refreshments and plant stall which all did a brisk trade.

The trophies were awarded as follows: The Ansell Challenge Cup for the highest number of points in the bulb section and The Society Challenge Cup for the highest number of points in the show were won by Mrs Dot Hunt. The Sunshine Club Cup was won by Mrs Maureen Bainbridge. The Seymour Cup for best in show was awarded to Mrs Pat Atkin.

Results: Hyacinths: 1 Miss R Smith, 2 T Richardson, 3 Mrs D Hunt; daffodils long trumpet: 1, 2 and 3 Mrs D Hunt; daffs small cup: 1 and 2 Mrs W Betteridge, 3 Mrs D Hunt; daffs multi-flowered double: 1 and 2 Mrs D Hunt, 3 Mrs W Betteridge; daffs multi-flowered single: 1 Mrs W Betteridge, 2 and 3 Mrs D Hunt; daffs multi-flowered double: 1 and 3 T Richardson, 2 Mrs W Betteridge; tulips single: 1 T Richardson, 2 and 3 Mrs D Hunt; tulips double: 1 and 3 Mrs D Hunt, 2 Mrs W Betteridge; crocus: 1 and 3 T Richardson, 2 Mrs D Hunt; bowl of any variety of bulbs or corms: 1 Mrs W Betteridge, 2 and 3 Mrs D Hunt; bowl of miniature bulbs: 1 Mrs P Atkin, 2 Mrs W Betteridge, 3 Mrs D Hunt; amarylis: 1 Mrs M Fowler, 2 and 3 Mrs D Hunt.

Pot Plants: Foliage: 1 and 2 Mrs E Hodgkinson; flowering: 1 Mrs P Atkin, 2 M Mills; container decorative plants: 1 Mrs D Hunt, 2 D Perkins; specimen cactus: 1 Mrs E Hodgkinson, 2 Mrs Hayball, 3 Mrs D Hunt; specimen succulent: 1 and 2 Mrs E Hodgkinson, 3 Mrs D Hunt.

Sunshine Club Special Classes: Bowl of bulbs or corms: 1 Mrs M Bainbridge; pot plant: 1, 2 and 3 Mrs M Bainbridge.

Cut Flowers: Specimen daffs: 1 Mrs M Bainbridge, 2 Mrs E Hodgkinson, 3 Mrs D Hunt; trumpet daffs: 1 and 3 Mrs D Hunt, 2 Mrs W Betteridge; small cup daffs: 1 Mrs D Hunt, 2 and 3 T Richardson; polyanthus: 1 and 2 Mrs E Hodgkinson, 3 Mrs M Tromans; hellebore: 1 Mrs W Betteridge, 2 Mrs M Tromans, 3 T Richardson; outdoor grown spring flowers: 1 Mrs P Atkin, 2 Mrs J Mowbray, 3 Mrs M Tromans; spray flowering shrub: 1 Mrs Hayball, 2 Mrs M Tromans, 3 T Richardson' spring arrangement: 1 and 2 Mrs M Murray, 3 Mrs E Hodgkinson; miniature arrangement: 1 Mrs W Betteridge, 2 Mrs M Murray.