FILM AT NUMBER 8: With Pershore and District Film Society, Saturday, March 15 at 7.30pm, The Secret Garden, 1hr 40mins.

GALLERY AT NUMBER 8: From March 17 to April 5, an exhibition by Stan Vick.

TRAINING COURSES: March 17 - Interview Techniques 9.30am-3.30pm; March 21 - Child Protection 9.30am-12.30pm.

Contact Charlotte at Number 8 on 01386 561906 or email for more information.

EASTER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT NUMBER 8: Monday, April 14 - Easter Bunny Art and Craft Workshop, 10am-noon, 5-7 year olds £4.50; Thursday April 17 - Breakdance, 10am-noon, 7-12 year olds £5; Thursday, April 24 - Hidden Treasure Art and Craft Workshop, 1pm-2.30pm, 5-7 year olds £4.50 and 2.45pm-4.45pm, 7-12 year olds £5.

Booking a place is essential so call Charlotte at Number 8 on 01386 561906 or email

TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD: On Shrove Tuesday the AGM of the Townswomen's Guild began on a light-hearted note, with the chairman relating a funny story. She was delighted to see so many members present and to welcome Mrs Richardson back from Australia.

Mrs Meller, Mrs Hendrick and Mrs Richardson have resigned from the committee and were thanked by Mrs Lockhart for all their hard work and each was presented with a spray of orchids. She expressed her appreciation to all members of the committee.

Mrs Beale gave the secretary's report and Mrs A Brown was given the badge of office as the incoming vice-chairman. Mesdames DuCane, Guest and M James, were introduced as new committee members and Mrs Powell is now the treasurer. The president, Mrs Bateman, thanked the chairman for all her efforts on behalf of the members and wished her well for the year ahead.

After brief accounts of the work of three charities, members voted for the local branch of the MS Society as this year's charity.

Mrs Meller reported on the February Federation meeting and on the planned arts and crafts exhibition on June 7 at Malvern Link, for which a coach has been booked - cost between £5 to £6. Future events were outlined by Mrs Ambler. The birthday lunch on April 8 at the Railway Inn, Defford, costing £10. Outings to Madresfield Court on April 16, coach will cost between £8 to £10.50 including entrance and one to Malmesbury Abbey Gardens on May 15.

Mrs Dallimore was thanked by Mrs Machin for providing refreshments at the skittles games.

Literary Appreciation had discussed an Anthology of Poems at their last meeting and these were greatly enjoyed. A new member, Mrs Batchelor, was welcomed to the guild and Mrs E Jones was presented with a token to mark her 90th birthday and she thanked all members and also for the many cards she had received.

Later the Gilded Lilies entertained members with a lively selection of readings, poems and songs, ably accompanied by their pianist Mrs Horstmann. Mrs Lockhart thanked them for providing such excellent entertainment. Sherry and nibbles were served before the meeting closed.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 1, in Wulstan Hall at 10am when Mrs D Sutton will talk on Young Ladies Don't Play the Trombone. The sales table will be home made jams and marmalades. Visitors and new members welcome.