DARTS: Black Boy captain Steve Bradbury's outstanding record in cup competitions continued when he made the last eight of the Banks's Bewdley League singles knock-out.

Bradbury, who defeated D Austin and R Lloyd to make the quarter-finals, was joined by Hop Pole's R Pollard as he brushed aside S Cooke and A Morris, including a 130-bull finish.

N Edwards came through a tough draw to beat R Jones and D Johnson with the latter going to the final game.

White Swan's S Barnicle had an eight-dart game finish but lost the second round to second favourite D Thomson.

Top seed M Reading had no problems despite still not hitting form with his club side Cock and Magpie B.

The only county player to make the last eight was T Green who was taken all the way to the double finish by K Tipper.

Qualifying round results: T Green beat A Mayall, Tipper bt K Underhill, C Pointon bt A Whitefoot, Reading bt P Eilrich, N Edwards bt Jones, Johnson bt R Stilgoe, S Thomas bt B Green, J Crew bt S Carter, Thomson bt J Connolly, Barnicle bt T Brooks, Lloyd bt J Mountford, Bradbury bt Austin, Morris bt G Edwards, Pollard bt Cooke.

Last 16: T Green bt Tipper, Reading bt Pointon, N Edwards bt Johnson, Thomas bt Crew, Thomson bt Barnicle, Bradbury bt Lloyd, Pollard bt Morris.