THE quote from Liz Davies, leader of Wyre Forest District Council, in the Shuttle/Times & News of March 6, that the council is "merely the tax collector for others" was, frankly, surprising, even from her.

The whole budget process must have passed her by. I wonder if she remembers the expensive survey, or the proposals to increase councillors' allowances.

I seem to remember, a couple of years ago, the formation of the "rainbow alliance". The coalition of Tories, Liberals, Liberal Democrats and Health Concern, under the leadership of Mike Oborski, promised a new direction and a glowing future for the district.

Health Concern, as the largest group, were happy to be members.

Now, of course, they have all fallen out and take every opportunity to criticise each other.

Local elections will soon take place.

Maybe local electors will realise that the hospital protest vote which enabled Health Concern to take the administration of the council has certainly backfired.


Lorne Grove
