I WOULD like to respond to Peter Osborn (Letters, March 6) who criticised my letter about the peace march.

I am saddened that anyone would want to pour scorn on the millions who would sooner see diplomacy and international law upheld, rather than dead British soldiers.

In no way am I excusing the evil regime in Iraq and if it is the will of the United Nations to sanction war, then it will have my unequivocal support.

But at present the Liberal Democrats position is that the case for war has not yet been proven.

I would also like to dispel any suggestions of my ignorance. I am well aware of the geographical separation of Algeria and Iraq, but the national borders in the Middle East are man-made (by European powers in 1918).

Fundamentally, Arabs see themselves as Arabs, not Algerians, Iraqis or Jordanians etc, something that is self-evident to any one who takes the trouble to try and understand the region and its people. That is why Arab v Arab conflicts are very rare.


Warbler Place, Kidderminster