A NOTE of thanks to our charming neighbour L Steadman, from across the way in Birmingham Road who, commendably dispensing with all self-interest, once again tirelessly speaks out on behalf of the people against the unspeakable goings on in Linden Avenue (Shuttle/Times & News Letters, March 6).

L Steadman so charitably denies us even meagre respite from the lorries and buses which regularly trundle past our doors, less still some small measure of safety from the dangers of endless speeding and rat running down our residential avenue.

After all, why should such luxuries be exclusively the province of those living on our main roads - for example, Birmingham Road - which curiously enough have been designed precisely for the purpose?

No, common sense dictates that we in the "tiny minority" of Linden Avenue (well, just the 93 per cent of residents anyway) will have no choice but to exercise the special powers and privileges accorded to us by L Steadman, and claim the road for nothing less than the Independent Republic of Linden Avenue.

Now, that would be something worth complaining about.



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