A MOTHER-OF-TWO from Evesham is expected to appear in court today after setting up a peace camp and protesting outside a Midlands airbase.

Kate Holcombe, of West Street, was arrested at her first demonstration at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire last Thursday and is charged with criminal damage and recklessness.

She is set to appear before Cirencester Magistrates Court today and is expected to enter a plea of not guilty.

Ms Holcombe, aged 42, helped set up the peace camp outside Gate Ten in the early hours of February 17 and has been holding a 24-hour vigil against war with Iraq ever since.

She has been joined by five or six other protestors each night, who stand outside the gate.

Her bail conditions has meant she could not go near Gate Ten but a local pub landlord has agreed they can set up camp at his premises in nearby Kempsford.

RAF Fairford has been the focus for many protesters because of its ability to launch an attack on the Middle East. A fleet of nine B-52 bombers were flown to the base from the US on Monday.