IN answer to a number of letters relating to this year's rise in Council Tax, may I try to put it into perspective?

The actual rise in the amount to be charged by Wyre Forest District Council is five per cent - this means an extra £7.63 a year, or less than 20p per week, on an average, Band D bill.

The police charge is adding £15 per year. The Conservative-controlled county council is adding over £100.

This makes up the total rise of 11.9 per cent.

The huge county council rise is a result of the Government cutting £13 million from the financial support it gives. If this had not happened, the total rise would have been about seven per cent, and not 11.9 per cent.

The Health Concern administration of Wyre Forest has restored essential services this year, which were to be cut (play areas, Bewdley Museum and Stourport Community Centre).

Also, funding has been found for other essential items. These were put to the public through the questionnaire which was circulated recently.

These proposals received widespread support - 77 per cent of responses endorsed the plans.

Over a quarter of households replied - a massive response for a survey of this type.

The Government has just announced that, this year, the average Council Tax increase, nationally, is 13 per cent.

In the light of this, I believe that the Health Concern administration have done well to keep the local rise to as little as five per cent.

It does not impose service cuts - it adds value to the community.

It is the most forward-thinking budget for many years.


Health Concern

district councillor,

Neville Avenue
