The first meeting at the new venue, Brintons Chainwire Club, Kidderminster, took place on January 7, when Bill Mahoney G3TZM, vice chair of the RSGB's repeater management committee, presented an illustrated talk on Repeater Licensing.

On February 18, Richard Hankins G7RVI and Stuart McKinnon GOTBI of the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society gave a slide show and lecture on vintage military radio, demonstrating historic equipment including sets used in the Second World War, as well as more recent sets from the 70s and 80s.

The next meeting, on Tuesday is an On-air Night, starting at 8pm.

Visitors will be welcome, and the society is offering free membership until September.

The latest newsletter is now available.

To obtain a copy, or for more details of the society, telephone Tony Hartland G8WOX on 01562 751584, Phil Harris G5SPZ on 01299 403025, send an e-mail to, or visit the website at
