100 Years Ago

March 14 1903

At a meeting of the Pershore Board of Guardians the Master's journal stated complaints had been made about the diet. Pea soup should only be given in the winter; bread should be given as well as vegetables with meat, and the same meal must not be given twice in a week. The chairman said he hoped they would get it. It seemed strange to him that that the Inspector should have made those complains and finished up by saying that the house was very clean and the inmates made comfortable.

75 Years Ago

March 17 1928

Sixty years in the Parish Church choir - that is the record of Mr George Wheeler, a stonemason of Middle Littleton, to which our attention has been drawn by the Vicar. Mr Wheeler moreover is to this day a regular attender at Evensong each Sunday, and is most enthusiastic in the devotion of his singing to the brightening of church services. George was but a lad of seven years when he entered the choir to add his voice to the little band of trebles, while today he is a very useful bass.

50 Years Ago

March 14 1953

More than usual interest will be taken in the University Boat Race this year by people in Pershore and the surrounding district, because a Pershore man has the distinction of having been chosen to row at No 3 in the Oxford boat. He is John Marshall Wilson, elder son of Dr and Mrs J.C. Wilson, of Broad Street, Pershore. J.M. Wilson is 22 years of age, and weighs in at 13st. 7lb., being one of the heaviest men in the this year's exceptionally heavy Oxford crew. This is the first time for about twenty-five years that the Four Shires district has been able to boast of a rowing "blue."

25 Years Ago

March 16 1978

With the improvement of sewage disposal facilities in Evesham, the Canberra Property Group have re-submitted an application to Wychavon District Council for outline permission to develop 15 acres of land at Four Pools. Planners, who meet today, will be told that the proposed site for development lies to the south of the new spine road on the Four Pools action area and is outside the area allocated for housing. The previous application was refused on the grounds that there was adequate housing land to meet the needs of the town for the foreseeable future and that there was a drainage problem.