Hippodrome, Birmingham - Jenufa, Thursday. Elixir of Love, Friday. Cavalleria Rusticana and I Pagliacci, Saturday. Buddy, Tuesday until March 29.

Alexandra, Birmingham - Go and Play Up Your Own End, until March 29.

Repertory, Birmingham - Racing Demon, until April 19. The Absence of War, Friday until April 19.

MAC, Birmingham - Safety, Saturday. The Importance of Being Earnest, Monday.

Grand, Wolverhampton - Spirit of the Dance, until Saturday. Copacabana, Tuesday until March 22.

Arena, Wolverhampton - The Joy Society, Thursday. Nothing to Declare, Tuesday. Don Quixote, Wednesday.

Festival, Malvern - Cooper! Not Like That, Like This, until Saturday.

Malvern Theatres - Fiddler on the Roof, Tuesday until March 22.

RST, Stratford - Noises Off, until Saturday.

Swan, Stratford - As You Like It, until April 12.

Arts Centre,Warwick - The Three Cornered Hat, Thursday. Henry V, until Saturday. A Woman Killed with Kindness, Saturday (afternoon). The Odyssey, Saturday (afternoon).