WORCESTERSHIRE County Council's announcement of additional funding for nursing and residential homes has received a lukewarm reception.

The council plans to allocate around £1million pounds to this area, an increase of between three and five per cent.

The exact figure will be decided at a meeting of the Home Owners' Forum today.

But campaigners say the extra cash still fails to cover the total cost of care fees.

Peter Davidson, deputy chairman of Worcestershire Nursing Homes' Association, claimed patients and the homes would be left to make up the difference themselves.

He said: "The extra funding will provide us with an allowance of £400 a bed, a week. That is assuming we receive a five per cent increase.

"Realistically, the cost is between £430 and £460. It will be down to each patient to find the extra money."

Mr Davidson owns Fairwater House nursing home on Coopers Lane, Evesham. He has already been forced to close a previous nursing home, Seward House, in Badsey.

He added: "Many homes will cease trading as they cannot go on funding the shortfall."

Liz Eyre, the cabinet member for social services health and well-being said it was important to remember the extra funding had been secured despite a general lack of funds.

She said: "I truly appreciate the cost pressures the home owners have. I hope they are at least relieved that in the current environment we have been able to maintain our commitment to the service they provide."