A MAN turned from a "mouse into a lion" when he kicked a staff nurse in the chest after taking too much medication.

At Worcester Magistrates Court yesterday, Faisal Ali admitted attacking staff nurse Darren Carthew at Worcestershire Royal Hospital on Thursday, December 12 last year.

Mark Soper, prosecuting, said Mr Carthew heard a disturbance between the 24-year-old defendant and another staff member at around 8.30am.

"They were standing in the door of the treatment room, Mr Carthy went round the other side of the room," said Mr Soper.

"When he got to the doorway he asked Mr Ali to move out of the way.

"Mr Carthew was then kicked in the chest by Mr Ali when he tried to close the door of the treatment room."

Mr Soper said Mr Ali also received a scratch to his right arm, and a struggle rook place between the two with Mr Carthew restraining the defendant.

The prosecutor said police who arrived at the scene described Ali's behaviour as "abusive."

Mr Soper said the defendant tried to head-butt a policeman.

"They tried to restrain him," said Mr Soper.

At the police station the defendant told police he had taken 12 tablets, more than his prescribed amount, with a small amount of vodka.

Andrew Childs, defending said Ali had taken too many prescribed drugs.

"The prescribed drugs turned him from a mouse into a lion," said Mr Childs.

"He's very apologetic and upset about his actions.

"It was a nasty incident.

"It was totally out of character.

"He's a young man who suffered depressive illness for many years."

Ali, of Park Street, Worcester, admitted assault by beating and threatening behaviour at an earlier hearing.

Magistrates placed him in a community punishment order for 175 hours, ordered him to pay £200 to Mr Carthew and £25 towards prosecution costs.