ONE of the things which makes this walk so enjoyable is water: it's everywhere, and that means lots of birds.

The River Severn is the most obvious watery asset, and the best place to look for species such as kingfisher.

There are huge flocks of Canada geese to be seen, either on the river itself or, more often, loafing around on the bank. And grey herons are common too as there is a large heronry at Grimley.

However, the river is often less rich in birdlife than the pools which are so abundant in this area.

There are plenty in the fields along the route, but the best are the former gravel pits near Grimley.

Most of these are not on the route of the walk but they are marked on OS maps and it's easy to make the necessary detour.

There is one large pool, however, which isn't shown on OS maps, but is on the route. This is the pool between the A443 and the Old Vicarage at Grimley.

It looks very scenic on sunny days, but whatever the weather, it's a great place for birdwatching. There is a variety of species present at the moment, including mute swan, tufted duck and even a pair of goosander, not something we often see in Worces-tershire.

There's lots of water underfoot too - the fields are extremely squelchy in places. This may mean wet socks, but it also means the possibility of uncommon birds such as snipe, which occurs regularly, though in small numbers, around Hallow and Grimley.


Just south of the Green at Hallow, on the other side of the road, there is a sign for Hallow Lawn Tennis Club. Take a footpath which passes to the left of the tennis courts and then descend a slope to Hallow Lane. Turn left and cross to a footpath on the other side. Bear slightly left up a field to a stile at the far side, not that far from the top left corner.

Follow the right-hand hedge in the next field until it turns a corner. Continue across the field to a gate then across another field. Turn left in the next and walk to Ashfield Farm. Follow the farm drive to Peachley Lane.

Turn right, then soon right again on a well-trodden footpath which leads across two fields then past three oak trees to a stile. Turn left to skirt a knoll and cross Laughern Brook.

Cross a field to a gate then walk up the left-hand edge of the next field and along the edge of a garden to a lane. Turn left, then first right to Shoulton. Turn left after Shoulton Cottage to reach a bridleway junction.

Keep straight on past a arm, along a track and into a field. Follow the right-hand field edge but cut the first corner. Go through a gate in the next corner and continue by the field edge to a gate just before a pond.

Go through the gate and keep left to reach a pair of stiles. Cross these and follow the waymarkers through several fields. When you come to another pond continue in the same direction to meet a hedge and then follow it until you can cross it at a stile. Ignore another stile on the left and walk to a road.

Turn right past Monkwood Green, keeping straight on at two junctions. At the end of the green take a footpath on the left, just before a barn. Cross a field to a pair of stiles at the far side, halfway between the field corner and an oak tree.

Go to the left-hand corner of the next field then along the left-hand edge of another. There are two stiles in the cor-ner: ignore the left-hand one and proceed over the next one, continu-ing in the same direction along field edges.

Ignore branching paths and eventually pass left of a cottage to a road. Turn right to the hamlet of Worlds End, then left on a fenced/hedged path. Take care as there is wire fencing hidden in the vegetation under-foot.

Cross a brook and continue towards a house. Turn left onto the driveway then shortly cross a stile on the right. Go straight on across fields, guided by waymarked stiles and ignoring branching paths until you meet a hedged track where it turns a corner. Turn right on the track, and soon left.

Descend to Dark Lane and turn right to the A443. Cross and turn left to find a footpath across grassland above a pool. Continue past the Old Vicarage to a lane. Join a path opposite and walk to Grimley.

Turn left through the village, then right after the Wagon Wheel. Walk to the River Severn and head downstream to-wards Hallow. Detour round the Camp House and continue through woodland after leaving Green Park Arboretum and passing a corrugated-iron enclosure.

Just before a footbridge, an un-signed but well-trodden path leaves the river-side. Follow it alongside a brook to a junction, turn left across the brook and stay on the path as it swings right. It soon crosses the brook again and makes another right turn, ascending a bank. Turn left at the top, past Hallow Old Churchyard, then straight on along Church Lane to the Green.


Start: The Green, Hallow; grid reference SO827581.

Length: 8 miles/13.5km.

Maps: OS Ex-plorer 204, OS Landranger 150.

Terrain: pasture, arable and wood-land; wet and/or muddy in places; a couple of slopes but no hills; lots of lambs so dogs on leads please.

Stiles: 38.

Parking: Hallow (or Grimley - see map).

Buses: 293/294/296/298/300/304

/312/313/314/315/316; Traveline 0870 608 2608.

Refreshments: Fox Inn, Wagon Wheel Inn, Camp House Inn.


This walk has been carefully checked and the directions are believed to be correct at the time of publication. No responsibility is accepted by either the author or publisher for errors or omissions, or for any loss or injury, however caused.