A man who started a fire in a block of flats in Malvern has been termed "a manipulative fantasist" by a judge and jailed for four years.

It was an act of extreme folly and danger, said Judge Andrew Geddes, and it was only good fortune that the owner of the flat returned in time to put out the blaze.

Prosecutor Brett Stevenson pointed out that the flat above had a concrete floor so there was little danger of the fire spreading but the judge said there was a risk of inhaling poisonous fumes.

Michael Haile, aged 30, recently living in Cumnock, Scotland, admitted arson and stealing a camera, clock and cigarette lighter from Robert Stinton, the occupant of the flat in Elgar Avenue.

Mr Stevenson told Worcester Crown Court that Haile had been staying at the flat and apparently was owed £40 by Mr Stinton.

On August 25, 2001, Haile was on his own in the flat when he made a pile of clothes in the kitchen and set it alight after dousing it with cooking oil.

Mr Stinton was nearby and saw smoke billowing out of the windows. He put out the fire with a bowl of water before the fire brigade arrived. About £350 damage was caused.

Neighbours saw Haile walking away with a binbag containing the stolen items and he was arrested a short time late at his grandmother's house.

Haile said he could remember little of the incident but said he disliked Mr Stinton, who owed him money.

Nicholas Smith, defending, said Haile, who had 30 previous convictions, had never been in custody but was responding well to probation. He had been on medication for some time.

Haile, who had made a false suicide attempt, was in need of help which could be achieved better by probation rather than custody.

But the judge said that although Haile's motive was not clear, he was a person who fantasised and did not know what the truth was.