HOUSEHOLDERS are being urged to put chains on their doors and to challenge callers for official identification before allowing them in to their homes.

The warning follows a spate of incidents where thieves have attempted to con their way into people's homes by claiming to be from the water or electricity board.

On Saturday, March 8, in Colwall, near Malvern, a man driving a white vehicle pulled into Brookside and told the female householder he was there to read the electric metre.

He asked the victim to fetch him a mirror. Fortunately, nothing was taken during the woman's absence, but she was suspicious and reported the incident to the police.

They confirmed that the electricity board had not sent anyone out to the area.

On Tuesday March 4, in Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire, three young men with Irish accents entered a property in Lower Mead.

They told the owner they were from the water board and once inside they stole cash before making off for Cusop Dingle.

PC Charles Naylor, Herefordshire Divisions Crime Risk Manager advised people to use a security chain.

"Do not be afraid to challenge callers even if they seem genuine and appear to be wearing a uniform or are smartly dressed," said PC Naylor.