JUBILANT campaigners broke open the champagne to celebrate the Government's decision to fund a flood defence scheme for a Worcester's Hylton Road.

The decision, reported in the Evening News yesterday, was announced by Floods Minister Elliot Morley in the House of Commons debate on flood and coastal defence policy last night.

The £100,000 temporary pallet barrier can be erected along Hylton Road within two hours, to protect homes and businesses from floods when the Severn is on red alert.


Now members of the Worcester Action Against Flooding (WAAF) were told yesterday it could pave the way for a more permanent structure.

Worcester MP Mike Foster also read out a letter from group chairman Mary Dhonau, about the poor prioritisation scoring Worcester has received.

"I nearly fainted when I heard him reading it out," said Mrs Dhonau, who lives in Waverley Street.

"Elliot Morley said he would look into the scoring for Worcester and rethink it.

"We'd all like to publicly thank Mike Foster.


"We're a completely non-political group but we think he's taken flooding on and made it a personal issue for him.

"He's gone over and above what we expected from him.

"He really went to town and has made it his business to learn all the facts.

"He told Elliot Morley that we were popping the champagne corks so we had to follow orders!"

The barrier will be made from pallets mounted on a special metal pole and will run north of Sabrina Bridge along Hylton Road - offering protection to 20 homes, businesses and one of the main routes into the city.