HE next session of Young Colwall Players begins on Saturday, March 22 at 10am in the Jean Simon Room at the village hall.

A concert in aid of St Michael's Hospice will take place in Colwall Village Hall on Thursday, March 20 from noon to 2pm. Christine Paterson will sing, accompanied on this occasion by Carl Attwood. There will also be a ploughman's lunch. Tickets are £7.50 (to include a glass of wine) from John Goodwin Estate Agents, Colwall or phone 310205.

Eighteen teams took part in the last week's Colwall Players fun quiz. This was won by the Amdrams. The quiz master was Steve Hockett, who also set the questions.

An auction of goods and promises will be held on Saturday, March 22 at 7pm in the village hall. Tickets £3, to include a glass of wine and other refreshments, can be obtained from John Goodwin Estate Agents, Peter Pedlingham or Cricket Club committee members. If you have any goods or promises please contact Janet Sutton at John Goodwin Estate Agents on (01684) 540300 or (01684) 540552.

The next event for the Colwall Bird Survey Group is a walk on Saturday, March 22 when a visit will be made to Old Colwall to look at farmland habitat. Meet at 9.15am at Station Road. If anyone is interested and would like to further their knowledge and understanding of birds please go along. For further information, please ring 540364 or 540839.

The Women's World Day of Prayer service was held last Friday at St James' Church, Colwall. This year it had been prepared by the Christian women of Lebanon whose theme was Holy Spirit Fill Us. The speaker was Reverend Jeanette Turner, who is the Herefordshire county ecumenical officer. Refreshments were served after the service.