ON Tuesday at 7.30pm in the parish hall, two important meetings in the life of St Anne's Church will be held. These are the annual parish and the annual parochial church meetings. All parishioners interested in the affairs of the church are very welcome. On this evening a new Parochial Church Council will be formed. The annual accounts and reports will be presented and future projects will be discussed.

The annual daffodil teas weekend for St Anne's Church, Oxenhall, is on Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23, from 1pm to 5.30pm. Light lunches and teas will be served in the parish hall. Oxenhall ladies are well known for their baking, so those attending are in for a real treat. There will be other home made produce to buy as well. Plants and bric-a-brac stalls will also be in place with interesting and reasonably priced goods.

All this organisation entails a tremendous amount of planning beforehand as well as a lot of help on the days. This is St Anne's main fundraising of the year and lots of help is needed. For instance, assistance is needed in the hall itself and in the car park. The church is delightful with its ancient font and other features. The graveyard is well kept with flower beds maintained on the sides of the church path. The views are typical of rural England. The church will be open on the weekend and any help, if only for an hour or two, will be welcomed for the hall, car park or church. If you can't help in this way, how about finding a few ornaments or other china extra to your requirements? Baking a cake for the teas or for the cake stall is a rewarding activity. Any help will be gratefully received. Ring Kath on (01531) 820401 or Mary (01531) 820181 for details and offers.

On Saturday, March 22, Mr John Anderson very kindly leads a guided walk in Betty Daws Wood. This is in conjunction with the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust open day. However, the organisers of the daffodil teas have many requests for guided walks on the Sunday. Visitors come from far afield and would like to explore the area further. If you feel you could offer your services for some guided walking phone Kath on (01531) 820401.

The service at St Anne's Church on Sunday, is 9.30am matins to be conducted by Mrs Jill Bond. On Sunday, March 23, Oxenhall worshippers are invited to join in the nine parishes holy communion at 10am in Donnington Church. The Rt Rev John Went, Bishop of Tewkesbury, will be present.

Mrs Kath Rees invites you to a Lent coffee morning at her home, Coldharbour Cottage, Oxenhal,l on Saturday, April 5, at 10.30am. As well as coffee there will be a bring and buy stall, cakes and a raffle with the proceeds for CLIC. You are assured of a warm welcome in lovely surroundings.

Two advance dates for events to raise funds for Oxenhall Parish Hall are announced. The management committee plans a quiz night on Friday, May 9, at 7.30pm in the hall and strawberry teas, also in the hall, on Sunday, June 23.