ON Sunday in St John the Evangelist Church, Pauntley, the parish communion will be at 11am with the Rev Michael Ward. Looking ahead to Easter Day and the traditional lilies, Mrs Anne Solesbury (Newent 820230) would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to donate towards the lilies. This could be in memory of a loved one or as an Easter gift to the church.

The churchyard is always well kept at Pauntley but this does take time and effort on the part of a small band of helpers. Churchwarden Mr Eric Solesbury, telephone (01531) 820230, says if anyone can spare an hour or so every four or five weeks to help with grass cutting he would be delighted to hear from them. The annual meeting of Pauntley Parochial Church Council will be held in Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green on Tuesday, April 8 at 7.30pm.

The Charity Lent Lunch for Pauntley will be held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs Jane Bristow, Hook Cottage, Upleadon, between noon and 1.15pm.

A market stall in aid of Pauntley Church funds will be held at Newent under the Market House on Wednesday, April 23, from 9-11am. Donations of cakes, produce, plant, bric-a-brac and books will be gratefully received. Ring Anne on (01531) 820230 or Jane (01531) 821028 if you can help.

Many people go by many ways to the place of pilgrimage at Santiago de Compostela in Spain. One such way is to cycle and a presentation of a cycle ride to the holy place will be given by Mr John Tread. The venue is Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green on Wednesday, April 30. The start is 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 each and will include the first glass of wine and nibbles.