WITH a staggering 52 points, Wendy Fowler swept the board to win the Darley Cup for the WI member gaining the most points overall at Staunton & District WI's 33rd annual spring show. Anne Vaughan Davis was awarded the Ursula Groves-Smith Cup for the best in show with her flora art exhibit depicting Easter. All the judges were unanimous in their praise at the high standard of the entries in every class, which made the judging harder, though pleasurable.

Corse and Staunton Village Hall had been the scene of great activity during the morning and the large hall quickly filled with colour and scent of flowering bulbs and all the floral art exhibits. Where possible the classes were updated, as the cookery and handicraft sections showed and paintings and photography both go from strength to strength. The butterfly collage class showed some eye-catching entries as did the appliqu, hats, waistcoats, soft toys and exquisite boxes and evening bags.

The Clayton Cup was awarded to Wendy Fowler with Diane Dent runner up in the floral art and bulbs section. The Houldey Cup for cookery was won by Christine Ward, runner-up Barbara Bubb. The Needle Cup for handicrafts was won by Mary Henderson with Beryl Cullimore runner-up and the Bubb Cup for children went to Keri Jones.

The walls in the hall were alive with the lovely colourful entries of the infants and junior children of Corse & Staunton CE School and their vegetable animals were quite unusual and amusing.

A demonstration at the loom of weaving was given by Audrey Smith. Earlier in the day the county chairman of the Gloucestershire Federation of the WI, Barbara Lucas, was welcomed and she was delighted to see the splendid exhibits of every class.

There was a cake stall, tombola and raffle as well as plants for sale and refreshments throughout.

Both show chairman and president Barbara Bubb and Ursula Groves-Smith warmly thanked everyone for making the show such a success and those who attended, husbands too, who helped in very many ways and the sub-committee for all their work throughout the year.

Both Mrs Lucas and Mrs Smith were presented with bowls of spring flowers. The spring show is not a fundraising event, but it always manages to cover expenses and soon the sub-committee will go into action ready for the spring show of 2004.