EFFORTS by the Friends of Welland (formerly Jubilee Committee) to repair the school bell were at last finished and the presentation, together with it's blessing by the Vicar, Rev Frances Wookey, took place last Tuesday afternoon. Despite the cold afternoon, children, teachers and various parents (and members of the Friends of Welland) were able to brave the elements to witness the school bell being rung again by the youngest and eldest pupil that we have in our village. In fact, the consensus of opinion is that it had not been heard for around 80 years! Now it can be heard daily at 9am at the start the school day and again at the end of the day.

The popular Kids' Klobber sale will be held at the village hall tomorrow (Saturday), at 11.am.

For some time in the last two weeks everyone in the Welland area has received a newsletter from our county councillor, Tom Wells, and at the bottom of the newsletter there is a tear-off strip for you to indicate your reaction to the cattle grids and to ask you to return them to me at the post office. Up until now, I have only received 10-12. Could you let me have your reactions to the cattle- rids (even if you have already signed a petition going around).

Also, on the problem of dog fouling. A further container for distributing the bags has now been erected on a pole just outside the graveyard on the Marlbank Road. Please use it, thank you.