A CHANCE to take a trip back in time and see what life was like inside a real 16th Century shop is being offered in Tewkesbury.

The Merchant's House, also known as the Little Museum, is a 15th Century timber framed building. It has been faithfully restored and furnished with replica furniture along the lines of a merchant's shop and house of the Tudor period using the will of a genuine Gloucestershire merchant, Thomas Workman, as a guide.

Two people in period dress will be "living" in the house and instructing visiting schoolchildren on everything Tudor, from etiquette to food to the cloths such as fustian, mockadoe, neldes and ozenbriks which Mr Workman dealt in.

There will also be two evening sessions for the public on Friday, March 21 and 28 from 8pm until 10pm. More information from the neighbouring John Moore Countryside Museum, Church Street on 01684 297174.