YOUNG dancers from all over the area converged on a Malvern school to show off their moves.

Dyson Perrins CE High School played host to the Malvern Schools' Dance Festival, now in its ninth year.

Last week's event was the most successful yet, attracting 15 schools, mainly primaries, and no less than 568 dancers.

"If it gets any more successful, we will have to think about making it into a two-day festival," said Hilary Moriarty, the Dyson Perrins PE teacher who has been in- volved with the festival since its inception.

Teams from each school performed routines, which they had been painstakingly rehearsing for weeks.

There were ethnic dances in African, Indian and Chinese styles, a Tudor-type dance and one school even performed an Austin Powers tribute routine.

"It's not competitive," said Mrs Moriarty. "All the teachers and pupils sit down and watch each other's performances and we learn a lot of new ideas from each other."