COLWALL womens' hockey team returned to winning ways with a fine performance against Taunton Vale, winning 2-1 in a one sided encounter.


Colwall started at a cracking pace with Karen Hackley and Nina Emery combining well to prise open the visitor's defence.

Taunton's physical approach was a mistake as Colwall forced several short corners with Emma Twigg, Emery and Polly Bounds all having shots blocked in succession in a goal mouth scramble.

Taunton did try to counter attack but found an organised home defence who had little to do for the first half hour. Colwall then deservedly took the lead with a well worked corner routine, Karen Hackley's strike deflected in by Jackie Styles.

Taunton's battling style eventually paid off and rare free hit just outside the circle found its way into the net as it came through a crowd of players to leave the unlikely score of 1-1 at half time.

Undaunted Colwall kept their composure to dominate the second half. Sophie Lloyd at outside half made some probing runs into the depleted visitor's half.

The winning goal came from good work by Karen Hackley who found Emery in front of goal to score with a cool finish. Colwall piled on the pressure, Taunton having no answer and only luck and brave tackling prevented more goals.

With St Austell already crowned champions, Colwall make their push for second place tomorrow (Saturday) in their penultimate game away at Lansdown of Cheltenham.