MALVERN Chess Club played at home in the Worcestershire County League Division One and narrowly lost to Worcester City 2 - 3 .

Worcester had white on the odd boards. Individual results are as follows.

1) B Turner , E Myers ; 2) G Herbert 0, A Taylor 1; 3) I Clark 0, S Mellor 1; 4) J Knee , R Collett ; 5) D Spencer , A Spittle ; 6) E Nesbit 1, S Barber 0.

On board one Eric Myers rapidly gained an initiative with an unusual opening against Brian Turner. However, Brian was able to keep a compact position, which avoided weaknesses and he eventually gained some counter play. In the event both sides were content with a draw.

Andy Taylor on board two played the Nimzo-Indian defence and an interesting position was reached with him having more of the play but using up a lot of time. Geoffrey overlooked a check at the end of a combination resulting in material loss and he was unable to make use of black's time trouble in the simplified position.

On board three, Ian Clark played a Nimzovitch Defence but was saddled with a weak central pawn after some exchanges in the centre. This was eventually lost and white maintained of the position through to the endgame where his half open king's bishop's file was decisive.

Board four saw Ray Collett play the Queens Indian Defence. The centre became blocked though John had some spatial advantage. Ray countered on the king's side but could not make progress and allowed John some possibilities on the Queen's side. When time became short John closed the position and agreed to a draw.

On board five Denis Spencer played the Scandinavian Defence. White chose a line that gave Denis doubled pawns on the King's side. Both sides castled long and after several exchanges a draw was agreed.

On board six Edward Nesbitt played the Queen's Gambit Declined and after early middle game complications, won a piece. He simplified the position to a winning end game. Black resigned when he could not prevent a white pawn promoting.