LEDBURY ASC swimmers proved their worth at the first weekend of County Championships held in Wolverhampton.

In one of the most difficult races, the 200m butterfly, all five entrants won awards with George Bennion taking the nine years title, setting the record for this event in a Midland District qualifying time. Bradley Smith won the silver medal.

In the next age group, 10-year-old Thomas Stokes won in a new county record while Patrick Blake got the silver.

Hannah Bloxsome, probably the youngest in her age group, swam a fantastic race, beating her personal best by some 20 seconds to take fourth place.

Dropping to two lengths wasn't as successful with George Bennion runner-up, James and Thomas third, Bradley sixth, Hannah seventh and Patrick ninth.

Also representing Ledbury in the 50m fly was Luke Rycroft, Alison Pudge, Arron Almond and Josie Rycroft. Laura West finished sixth in the 16 years 100m race.

Midland District qualifying times were met by Thomas Stokes, Patrick Blake and James Middleton in the 200m backstroke with Thomas winning the silver medal and James the bronze. Heather Farmer also won a bronze in the 10 years girls' event, all in new personal best times.

Annabelle Wilce was unfortunate to miss the presentations by one place having had a fantastic swim. She won her heat easily but was delighted to go under three minutes for the first time, knocking over 12 seconds off her best time. Sarah Bethell and Arron Almond also achieved new times in this event.

The 200m IM is another tough race, requiring the swimmers to be competent on all four strokes. Hywel Pothecary set a fine example finishing in second place with a new pb. Although Thomas Stokes and James Middleton went one better by gaining their Midland District time, in addition to silver medals in their age groups.

Heather Farmer and George Bennion won bronze medals both in improved times. Pennants and personal best times went to Bradley Smith (4) Laura West (5) Arron Almond (6) and Patrick Blake (6). Just out of the awards but with new times were Luke Rycroft, Sarah Bethell, Charlie Scott Wilson, Alison Pudge, Annabelle Wilce and Josie Rycroft.

Having done so well in the earlier events James Middleton had high hopes and plenty of determination for his one of his favourite events the 50m breaststroke. He certainly did the business taking a second off his time and setting a new championship record. Bradley Smith was sixth in this event also with a new pb.

Also keen to compete in breaststroke was Rachael Lea, having recently enjoyed a dramatic improvement during team galas. Winning both her heats in the 50m and 100m events, she finished fourth in both with a new pb for the shorter race.

Chloe Watson struggled to meet her best following recent illness and, although being disappointed with her times, still finished a very impressive fourth in the 50m and sixth in the 100m.

Charlie Scott Wilson missed out on a pennant by 400ths of a second but had the satisfaction of swimming almost a second faster than ever before. Amy Tyler and Lucy Bennion also competed in the both the 100m and 50m breaststroke, with a rather nervous Amy setting a new personal best in the 100m event.

Hywel Pothecary finished his weekend of racing with the 400m freestyle, 16 lengths of the pool, which he completed in just over four and a half minutes, to win his third silver medal and his third personal best time.

Coach Viv Jones said: "This has been our most successful championships to date, with 21 swimmers competing, attaining 41 personal best times, 30 awards and three new championship records. I am very proud of their efforts.

"The last time we had a swimmer go to the District Championships was in 1998, so it is tremendously exciting that four swimmers have gained their qualifying times for the championships at Coventry in June. With another County Championship weekend coming we look for more success."