I HAVE always found the treasurer's department of the district council courteous and efficient but I am sure they would not wish to be above criticism.

A box on their form to be used when arranging direct debits must be ticked to avoid Council Tax payments being taken from one's bank 14 days before the due date.

This is analogous inertia selling in which at least the victim has the goods, while the council's victims have nothing save a reduced bank balance. Inertia selling was considered by Parliament so vile as to be virtually abolished by the Unsolicited Goods Act.

It is unworthy of councillors to take advantage of taxpayers in this way and they should amend the form at once so that a box has to be ticked to authorise early payment.

At the same time, they might reconsider their extraordinary requirement that a ball point pen be used to complete the form. I await condemnation for using a fountain pen.

OLIVER LEVER, Back Lane, Malvern