It seems irresponsible to adapt in any way one of Ledbury's most beautiful and distinctive buildings.

The Market Hall has been a focal point in Ledbury for decades and whilst today it is used for public functions, if these demand change to its structure and appearance then an alternative building should be sought for public functions.

The Market House should remain undisturbed for our generation and those to come.

A great deal of Ledbury's future prosperity will be derived from tourism as the town boasts a breadth of interesting historic buildings which provide a focal point for the local people and visitor alike.

To adapt and destroy our heritage to meet changing legislation is a short-sighted approach.

Let us look forward. We need to find and fund a resource for the future which will not destroy the past. We should look towards an alternative location for town council meetings, weddings and other public functions which would offer in addition to disabled access, facilities which complement any proposed use.

Included in the desired function room could be facilities for the disabled, toilets, a cloakroom, quality lighting and heating, acoustics which support the building's use, space for exhibitions and displays, provision for small-scale catering and quality seating. Readers and townspeople may not have been at the public meeting about the future of the Market House, however, please do not feel it is all to late. Stand up now and be counted. Please help to keep the town's historic heart.

Christopher J B Holbourn, Midsummer Hill, Eastnor.