YOUNGSTERS keen to improve their orchestral abilities are being invited to join a weekend course hosted by the English Symphony Orchestra.

Children who have mastered an instrument to at least grade IV are welcome to take part in the event at the Downs School, Colwall, tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday, from 10am to 4pm.

The course is designed to take students on to a higher level of orchestral playing, by rehearsing a programme in great detail over the weekend.

The aim is to help develop overall musicianship through ear training, technical workshops, masterclasses, improvisation and sight-reading, which will also assist their work towards grade V theory and GCSE music. There will be a free concert of repertoire learnt at 4pm on Sunday, for family and friends.

The fee for the weekend is £40 per student, or £20 for one day. New membership fee £10

Registration takes place at 9.30am tomorrow. Please bring a packed lunch. For more information on ESO children's, intermediate and youth orchestra courses, call Kate Hodson on 01684 560696.