I MUST congratulate Peter Luff, my MP, for his letter in the Evening News regarding the Swan Theatre and who's to blame for its demise.

I wish he, and our other local MPs of both parties, would write letters to your newspaper justifying their position in supporting Tony Blair and George Bush in the headlong rush to war with Iraq.

They all voted with the Government in the last debate but are being very coy about explaining their position to their electorate.

They know that the vast majority of the people that elected them are against a war, that it's outside international law, and that it has not received UN backing.

Are they too gutless to stand up and be counted?

Being the cynic I am, I suspect they're all waiting to see which way the wind will blow and avoid rocking the boat.

Principled and courageous MPs in this area are as rare as hens' teeth. I do not include Dr Richard Taylor of Kidderminster in this category.

This is why Worcestershire always draws the short straw when it comes to Government handouts.

They rely on the people that vote blindly for their party time after time to keep them as an MP.

Now's the time to show them your displeasure. Write to them and tell them that on such a serious issue as war, they have got to listen to the electorate - or else.


Drakes Broughton,


n (Right) Peter Luff, Conservative MP for Mid-Worcestershire.