PETER Luff MP is quite right to take John Phillpott to task over his description of the Swan Theatre as "a cash devouring monolith of self-indulgence masquerading as a temple of high art".

I'd like to challenge Mr Phillpott to give precise examples of the Swan Theatre's work which fit this description.

Does he mean The Worcester Century Plays, a unique celebration of our city written by local writers and performed by both professional and amateur actors?

Or Red Skies Over the Severn, the nationally-acclaimed play by a local writer about the effect of foot-and-mouth on Worcestershire farmers?

Or River's Up, the witty and moving play by a local writer about the impact of floods on our city?

Or Frankie and Tommy, the hilarious play about the life of Tommy Cooper? Or Pinocchio? Or The Importance of Being Earnest?

Or does he mean the three Youth Theatres, giving young people a chance to perform with a professional crew?

Or Act Up, the professionally-led theatre group for older people? Or the Swan Writers group, which has given so many opportunities to aspiring local writers?

Or the extensive community and education programme which provided an invaluable service to schools across the county?

Or the visits from popular and entertaining companies like Hull Truck, Pilot Theatre and the Reduced Shakespeare Company?

Or the Sunday night stand-up gigs by top comics? Or the Saturday morning children's shows?

Perhaps Mr Phillpott attended a different Swan Theatre from the rest of us.

We had a theatre company to be proud of in The Swan, and we've thrown it away. It never needed "rescuing", but nurturing as a jewel in Worcester's crown, and as an institution providing a service to the community above and beyond the productions in the theatre itself.

