A VETERAN Labour councillor in Worcester is quitting the party and his seat over the Government's plans for war against Iraq.

Ray Turner, who represents St Nicholas ward, said the move was a "matter of principle".

"I'm utterly opposed to the war in Iraq," he explained. "I've followed the debate very closely and there's no justification for war.

"If the conflict goes ahead, a tremendous number of innocent civilians, including women and children, will be killed."

Coun Turner, who will resign from the council from Monday morning after more than a decade as a councillor, said he became a pacifist by experience.

As an 18-year-old Royal Navy rating, he fought in Korea.

"I saw the devastation and the loss of civilian lives," he said.

"I went there as young man of 18 and came back as a bitter old man of 22 - that's the way I felt."

The 70-year-old, who joined the Labour Party 25 years ago, said he would miss his work as a councillor.

"I've made many friends in the party and have worked closely with many of them on the council," said Coun Turner, of Northfield Street, Arboretum.

"But the people in my ward elected me on a Labour ticket and I would not cross the floor."

Labour group leader Coun Adrian Gregson was disappointed that Coun Turner felt he had to resign, but understood his position.

"There are a number of people in the party who agree with him but prefer to stay within the party to express their views," he said.

A VETERAN Labour councillor in Worcester is quitting the party and his seat over the Government's plans for war against Iraq.

Ray Turner, who represents St Nicholas ward, said the move was a "matter of principle".

"I'm utterly opposed to the war in Iraq," he explained. "I've followed the debate very closely and there's no justification for war.

"If the conflict goes ahead, a tremendous number of innocent civilians, including women and children, will be killed."

Coun Turner, who will resign from the council from Monday morning after more than a decade as a councillor, said he became a pacifist by experience.

As an 18-year-old Royal Navy rating, he fought in Korea.

"I saw the devastation and the loss of civilian lives," he said.

"I went there as young man of 18 and came back as a bitter old man of 22 - that's the way I felt."

The 70-year-old, who joined the Labour Party 25 years ago, said he would miss his work as a councillor.

"I've made many friends in the party and have worked closely with many of them on the council," said Coun Turner, of Northfield Street, Arboretum.

"But the people in my ward elected me on a Labour ticket and I would not cross the floor."

Labour group leader Coun Adrian Gregson was disappointed that Coun Turner felt he had to resign, but understood his position.

"There are a number of people in the party who agree with him but prefer to stay within the party to express their views," he said.