A VILLAGE that needs £20,000 to restore its historic churches is bidding to raise the cash with a "silent auction".

The event will offer bargain hunters from around the county the chance to pick up everything from furniture and fine china to linen and garden equipment.

And the money raised will be used to maintain two of Worcestershire's most scenic rural churches.

"We must keep them going because of their historical value," said Norma Bradbury, fund-raising secretary for the project in Abberley.

"We get a tremendous amount of interest in them but with an adult population of about 550 it's difficult to find the money."

Abberley Churches Restoration Fund has contributed almost £100,000 in 11 years towards the upkeep of St Mary's, which is 150 years old, and St Michael's, which dates back to Mediaeval times.

But a recent inspection asked them to carry out further "essential repairs", and the village is appealing for anyone from around the county to support the cause.

And Mrs Bradbury is confident the auction - held at Abberley Village Hall at 7.30pm on Saturday, March 22 - will be an evening to remember.

"It will be great fun and should get really exciting towards the end," she said. "It's a great social event as much as anything else, and it really brings the community together.

Items are displayed around the hall and people write down how much they are prepared to offer. When "last bid" is called, everyone rushes to their favourite to ensure their bid is still highest.

"There is such a variety of items that it should be a success," said Mrs Bradbury.

"We have been very lucky that people have been extremely generous in donating a tremendous amount of goods."

A ticket for the evening costs £5, available from Mrs Bradbury on 01299 896489, or on the night. Cheese and wine will be provided.

Other fund-raising events include an annual "Fun Run" on Sunday, May 18.