A Virgin Trains driver caught riding his motorcycle at 96.3mph on a main road near Kidderminster has lost his road driving licence.

Worcester Crown Court heard that Barry Tyson was stopped by police two days later travelling at 78mph on the same road, the A449.

Tyson, aged 32, of Spencer Avenue, Wribbenhall, Bewdley, appealed against a six-month disqualification imposed by Kidderminster magistrates under the totting-up procedure.

His barrister, Nicholas Smith, said Tyson had to collect his train at Birmingham just after 2am and it would be impossible to get public transport at that time of day. It cost Virgin £100,000 to train a driver and it was likely that Tyson would lose his job.

Virgin line manager Mark Moseley said it was impossible to alter duty rosters to accommodate individual needs.

Dismissing the appeal, Judge Andrew Geddes said Tyson had been stopped four times for speeding in two months.

Ordering him to pay £171 costs, he advised him to use taxis or get accommodation in Birmingham.