GEORGE Bush and his supporters have felt the need to respond to the claim made by socialists and others that war against Iraq will be about the control of oil supplies.

They tell us that the oil will be used for the Iraqi people and that there will be democracy.

Some 500,000 Iraqis will be dead, telecommunications, roads and other infrastructure will be destroyed. How will the Iraqi people express their opinion in all this?

After such destruction, the American and British occupiers will make all the decisions. Of course, they may find it useful to ask some Iraqi if they agree with what has already been decided.

It will be a brave person who defies 200,000 American and British troops. Likewise, with democracy. Some parties will have money from the CIA. Some will not. Who is likely to win any elections?

Finally, the West liberated Kuwait 12 years ago. Perhaps the advocates of war can update us on the progress to democracy since?


Worcestershire Socialist Party.