A MYSTERY donor has saved a teenage boy from walking miles on foot to do his paper round.

The generous benefactor has given Daniel Coleshill a bicycle, after reading in the Evening News how the 15-year-old's Raleigh Fire Fly was stolen from the back garden of his home, in Harvey Walk, off Lansdowne Road, Worcester.

Daniel has been doing a paper round for his local newsagent, Astwood News, on Astwood Road, for two years.

After his bike was stolen, on Sunday night, he was forced to do the round on foot.

This took him twice as long and meant he had to get up even earlier in the mornings, at 6am.

But following a story in Wednesday's Evening News highlighting Daniel's plight, a mystery man stepped forward and has given the Bishop Perowne High School pupil a bicycle.

The elderly man, who does not wish to be named, walked into Astwood News on Wednesday afternoon, having read the story in the Evening News, and said: 'I've got a bike to give him, if he wants it', according to staff.

"The manager of the newsagents phoned our house on Wednesday to say: 'Could Dan come up to the shop?'," said his mother, Sally Coleshill. "So Daniel went to his house to get it the same day. He's absolutely over the moon. It's a very old bike - it's got a little bell and old-style gears - but it's in very good condition.

"I can tell Daniel's really happy because every time he comes up the path he's ringing the bell!

"He's been back up there again to say another thank you to the gentleman."

Mrs Coleshill's daughter Rachel, 13, also had her bicycle stolen from the back garden on the same night as her brother, and is having to do her paper round on foot.

"Poor old Rachel's round is taking her ages," said Mrs Coleshill. "It's made worse by the fact she has weak ankles."

The theft of the bicycles has been reported to Worcester Police.

Rachel's bike is a ladies bike, about three years old, and is light purple.

Daniel's 18-speed Raleigh Fire Fly is yellow and black with black, alloy components and V-style brakes.

Anyone with information can phone Worcester Police on 08457 444 888.