THANK goodness for the Phillpott File.

Despite the comments in typical New Labour half-truth fashion from Mike Foster, Maggie Watson, Roger Berry, Paul Denham and those others who obviously have not attended the council and Cabinet meetings, Phillpott still manages to truthfully report the issues such as the Swan Theatre as they happen in real time.

With Adrian Gregson having to answer to the chairwoman and councillors Roger Berry, Paul Denham and MP Peter Luff all having to answer to her-indoors over the Swan, plus Steve Quick, who is understandably bitter having lost his job, it is noticeable that none of them answers the big question.

And that is why the previous Swan Board, who were unable to run the Swan without some £400,000 in grants plus the money from huge ticket sales, can now be seriously considered again for the big job required at the Swan.

I agree with Chris Jaeger. There is a blatantly obvious political agenda currently being played out by New Labour.

