I MUST take issue with D Parker in which he churns out the same old, tired and ill-thought-out cliches about politicians having their noses in the trough.

I think it has become considered something of a truism that our elected representatives are somehow corrupt or involved in politics for their own gain.

The idea that individuals are willing to give up their spare time and work tirelessly for the good of others, in the service of their community or for values and ideas in which they believe, is dismissed out of hand.

The idea that there is "not one honest politician" is patent nonsense.

While there are those involved in politics who do abuse their position, the vast majority of our elected representatives, at both a national and local level, and of all parties, work very hard and should be praised for their public spirit rather than criticised.

If D Parker thinks our current crop of politicians are so lacking, why does he not put his efforts where his mouth is, exercise his democratic right, and stand for election himself?


St John's, Worcester.