A petition with a hundred names on it is calling for the removal of a town playground.

Residents of Brook Road and Millfields Road, Bromsgrove, say teenage tearaways are wrecking the play area alongside Spadesbourne Walk by using it as a meeting and drinking place.

Most of the equipment has been removed already due to vandalism, and the remaining benches will be removed shortly, leaving the play area unusable.

The petition has been sent to Bromsgrove District Council and officers have drawn up four options to present to councillors at an executive cabinet meeting tonight (Wednesday).

The option that the officers have recommended is the relocation of the playground to another site away from local residents, in a more open area, which discourages vandalism.

The location of the site will be decided in consultation with residents.

Robbie Hazelhurst, the director of leisure services, said: "It would be somewhere with a more open aspect in the Whitford ward, possibly opposite Model Cottages on the grassy area of Watt Close."

The scheme to move the playground will cost about £25,000, a quarter of the budget available for the refurbishment of play areas.

Councillor Edward Tibby (Con-Whitford), who presented the petition to the council, said: "The play area is an attraction to yobs who drink and smoke and generally cause a nuisance.

"I fully support the residents and I will be supporting the recommendation that the play area moves to a more open space."