A WARNDON teenager has been allowed to live at home despite breaking a bail condition set down by Worcester Crown Court.

Her mother called the police when her daughter broke a bail condition by leaving the house between 7am and 7pm.

The girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, faces charges of wounding at Worcester Crown Court, where the bail condition was made.

However, on Saturday, March 15, the teenager had returned home drunk before her curfew began and had argued with her mother.

She opened and slammed the door, to create the impression she had gone out, but actually went upstairs.

"Believing her daughter had left, she then exited the property to look for her and phone the police," said Charles Hamer defending, at Worcester Magistrates Court yesterday.

"Realising what she had done, the girl panicked and followed her mother out."

Mr Hamer said the girl was only outside for a few minutes.

Her mother told Worcester magistrates yesterday her daughter had not breached her bail before and was "a different person".

Worcester magistrates chose not to remand the girl in custody, but to continue her bail conditions.

"You are not going to get the same chance next time and you will be remanded," said the chairman of the bench.