A CASH-strapped animal hospital which appeared on Channel 4's Pet Rescue has received more than £11,000 in response to an urgent Christmas appeal.

The Vale Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, which recently opened a visitor centre in Evesham Country Park, has struggled to stay open because of a lack of funds.

But thanks to the mammoth contribution, the Gloucester surgery is able to continue saving sick, injured and orphaned wildlife, with newly-improved facilities and extra staff.

Television crews from Pet Rescue recently spent a fortnight at the hospital, filming operations as well as interviewing staff, owners, RSPCA inspectors and ambulance drivers.

The first fox cubs of the year were caught on camera by them when the three tiny bundles of fluff were brought in by a member of the public.


Although the surgery itself is not open to the public, organisers are keen for people to visit the centre, which houses hedgehogs, foxes, barn owls, grey squirrels and reptiles, from 10.30am.

It can be found one mile north of Evesham, and includes a recently expanded garden centre and a range of shops.

For more details call 01386 443348.