A MOTHER was furious when British Gas told her she would have to do without electricity for a whole weekend.

Susan Smith paid £20 into her electric card on Saturday, March 8, but when she got home the card was void.

After phoning British Gas, which supplies her electricity, she said they could not give her any electricity, even if she was penniless.

Luckily, Ms Smith was able to borrow from a friend, buy a new card and power was restored to her home.

But the incident left her furious and now she is looking for an alternative supplier.

"If you've got no money you've got to beg, steal or borrow, even though you've already paid for it," said Mrs Smith, of Lavender Walk, Barnards Green.

"There would have been a lot of damage if I hadn't managed to get any electricity - my fridge and freezer would have defrosted, ruining all the food I'd just bought and my tropical fish would have died.

"But as far as British Gas is concerned they didn't care, even if I was a young mum with young children I would have had to wait all weekend without any electricity."

Ms Smith, who has a 15-year-old son, said she pays for her electricity on a weekly basis, putting in around £20 each time.

But on Saturday, after paying for her shopping, she could not use the electricity she had paid for because the card failed.

She said British Gas told her that this sometimes happens and the best thing she could do was activate the £5 emergency that is available on these meters.

"I'd already done this the night before when the card ran out," said 47-year-old Mrs Smith.

"I managed to get money in the end but they didn't care - I'm very angry. I'm now looking at getting my electricity from someone else."

British Gas has since contacted Mrs Smith and apologised for the way she was treated on the phone.

"British Gas would like to apologise to Ms Smith for any inconvenience caused," said a spokesman for the company.

"We strive, at all times, to provide a high standard of customer service and are disappointed that this was not Ms Smith's experience on this occasion. We are looking into the matter and a refund cheque has been arranged."