I AM appalled at the audacity of the Swan Theatre Board in submitting a late bid to run the theatre.

Haven't they done enough damage already?

They must surely be held responsible for the demise of the Swan, and it is high time that they were made to publicly account for this.

How could anyone seriously consider a bid from them? This is the same Board that previously sanctioned the employment of 35 paid staff at the Swan, and under whose jurisdiction the theatre fell into debt, resulting in the proposed sale of Theatre House (a Georgian property surely worth at least £200,000), the proceeds of which, it is rumoured, will not clear the debt.

How much longer is the Swan to be used as an arena for petty, local political squabbles to be aired?


It is about time that common sense and rationale prevailed. The longer the theatre remains shut, the more revenue it is losing.

Meanwhile, while this debacle continues, local drama groups are in the untenable position of preparing, rehearsing and trying to advertise productions scheduled at the Swan from April onwards, not actually knowing whether the theatre will even be open, or whether the necessary technical equipment will be available to enable shows to be staged.

Local drama groups have given much support to the Swan over the years and it is disgraceful that they are placed in this position of uncertainty.

How much longer before this situation is resolved and the Swan re-opens for business?

