A FORMER Labour Parliamentary candidate has threatened to resign from the party if war goes ahead without UN backing.

David Bannister, who was the Labour candidate for Mid-Worcestershire in the June 2001 election, said he was "likely" to resign over the issue.

He challenged Worcester MP Mike Foster, and other Labour Party members, to "make their views clear".

"I appreciate Mike Foster's backed Tony Blair up to now," he said.

"But I want to know, and the people of Worcester want to know, if Tony Blair goes to war without the backing of the UN, whether then he would back Tony Blair, or the people of Worcester."

Mr Bannister, who was a city councillor for St Nicholas ward from 1998 to 2002, said he thought Worcester people were against war with Iraq without UN backing.

"The circumstances are about to change, and the people of Worcester need to know where their MP stands."

Mr Bannister said he would resign from the Labour Party if he felt its MPs were supporting an action not backed by the British people and by the UN.

If he did resign, he would be the second Labour Party member to do so over the issue of war with Iraq.

On Saturday, the Evening News reported the resignation of Labour councillor Ray Turner, of St Nicholas ward, on the grounds that he felt there was "no justification" for war with Iraq.

"Blair came to power promising to govern for the many not the few," continued Mr Bannister.

"He's now refusing to listen to the many. He's threatening action he knows to be contrary to international law. It's been spelt out to him by many, including Clare Short.