FIRE legislation and its effect on businesses is due to be revealed to companies in the Pershore area.

Hereford and Worcester Combined Fire Authority is inviting companies to an evening presentation at Pershore Fire Station, on Wednesday, April 9.

Beginning at 7pm, the theme of the evening is Safety In The Community, aimed specifically at the business community.

"It will provide an opportunity for businesses to get, first hand, an overview of current and proposed Fire Safety Legislation and the implications it has for their business," said a spokesman.

"Under new legislation, the responsibility for fire safety in the workplace now rests with the employer, not the local Fire Authority.

"It will also provide an opportunity to receive valuable information on community fire safety issues, such as Arson Prevention."

Several short presentations by guest speakers will be followed by a question and answer session.

It will take place in a relaxed and informal atmosphere where people will have the opportunity to discuss these and other issues with representatives from Hereford and Worcester Fire Brigade.

To confirm a place, phone Sub Officer Mike Cunningham on 01684 572948 or e-mail